You Want To Do It Yourself,
   But You Don’t Have To Do It Alone

NeoMan Mens Group

Stress at workIT Career Like Living In A Box

Your career comes with a few soul-sucking problems: You get blamed for problems while other people take credit for your solutions. There are often multiple bosses running your days and one of them is probably an annoying micromanager. You love solving problems but spend most of your time fixing things that will just break again because a real solution is not part of the project. By the time you get to interact with customers or users, they are so frustrated that you become their emotional punching bag. Sound familiar?

Stress at home

Your relationship seems stuck and often unfulfilling. Intimacy and connection are rare and arguments are confusing and lead to resentments. It’s ironic that being married or in a relationship could be this isolating. But here you are staying up late gaming, looking at porn, or wishing you could re-kindle the sex and intimacy you had just a few years ago.

Stress in life

You make a living, you have a family, and life should be good. But, maybe it doesn’t feel all that good. You’re tense, anxious, angry, or stressed but don’t know why. You rely on your spouse to make up for not having close friends. What’s the point? What’s your purpose? Is this all there is to life – living in a box?Work Love Play

Better than therapy?

The NeoMan Men’s Group is a series of 8 meetings where we discuss and experience the top takeaways you normally find in therapy. But, it’s not therapy and you’re not broken. You’re not going to fix anything at NeoMan, you’re going to “level-up” by learning some advanced skills and practicing them. Here are a few skills you’ll learn:

  • Communicate Like A Boss – own the moment without being an ass
  • Conflict Resolution – direct conflict to a productive endBring your abundant traits to your purpose to make an impact.
  • Self-esteem – build confidence and stop sabotaging your success
  • Emotional Acuity – putting your emotional intelligence to work
  • Career development – align your work to your most abundant traits
  • Relationship – more intimacy and connection
  • Purpose – why you are here, find your “Downhill Mission”

Men have been circling-up for thousands of years to learn these exact skills so we can protect and grow our families and become quality people for our communities. But lately, our culture has been telling men that we’re supposed to just “Figure it out!” That’s BS. It takes authentic and safe discussions to integrate these personal skills into your life.

NeoMan is for the thinking man

NeoMan is for any man between the ages of 21-71 who is “working in the middle of your potential” and lives life in a highly cerebral way. It’s for men who succeed at critical thinking but sabotage critical moments and want to level-up. NeoMan is a growth-oriented group and assumes you are in (or have been in) a career, a relationship and looking for your “Big Why”. Our focus will not be about addictions or disorders.

Build your confidence, connection, and creativityu.

NeoMan is just for you

In my therapy practice, I noticed that highly functional, successful people who wanted to improve their lives chose therapy because they didn’t know where else to turn. There were a few specific issues keeping them up at night. NeoMan was developed to help men like you address these core issues that are causing the most pain:

  1. Purpose: Discover what your heart longs for and find your “Big Why”.
  2. Self-esteem: Clarify your source of confidence and flip-off the thoughts that hold you back.
  3. Communication: Learn a method for staying mindful during conflict so you AND your partner win.
  4. Work: Align the work you do with traits that you have in abundance and create more moments of Flow.
  5. Love: Sex is great. Intimacy is better. Way better. Discover how to create more intimacy.
  6. Play: Find your motivation and edge. Stop competing your way through life and start having more fun.

The NeoMan learning processIn the NeoMan Studio

  • Discuss: We’ll discuss these issues, how they relate to you personally, and what you can do about them.
  • Work: We’ll work through exercises to help you “learn by doing”. You’ll receive a copy of my workbook so you have notes.
  • Check-in: We’ll check-in with each other for feedback and tweaking so you can immediately start using what you learn.
  • Fun: This kind of learning requires an engaged, open mind. Good humor and fun are highly encouraged and attempted.
  • Friendship: Engaging at this deep level builds bonds among men that last beyond our 8 weeks together.

Your purpose

What to expect after your NeoMan experience

  • You’ll discover what your heart longs for; your purpose, your vision. You’ll learn how to live beyond the model you’ve been given.
  • Learn a step-by-step method to get through conflict without resentments. And you’ll begin to exercise your mindfulness muscle so you can lead intense discussions to better conclusions.
  • You’ll find your leadership style at work so you can influence others according to your purpose. Imagine working in a way that seems “downhill” easy; because it’s natural for you.
  • You’ll learn how close relationships happen in cycles and how you can harness conflict to create more intimacy. Your wife and kids will be amazed by your newfound peace and patience.
  • Together we’ll find your reservoir of spirit and motivation that never empties. Play is a highly undervalued requirement in life and men are awesome at play. When your calendar has reservations for play, you’ll see life in whole a new light.

Still not sure NeoMan is right for you?

I understand that you may still need to think about it. Here are some things to consider:

  • Is this just a short-term, woo-woo, feel-good, thing?  NeoMan alumni have told me that it was an experience that changed their lives. Are you looking for a change in your life? In the NeoMan groups, men continue to meet socially on their own long after their facilitated group ends. Friendship like this; beyond sports, work, and getting laid is hard to find these days.
  • Concerns about the price? Consider this; after we pay for basic life necessities, the purpose for making more money is to create security and happiness, right? How much are security and happiness worth? How much will it cost you if you don’t make some changes? It’s time to invest your hard-earned money in something that will directly improve your life, isn’t it?
  • More concerns about price? Therapy costs around $145 per session hour. Coaching costs around $200 per session hour. NeoMan offers you 16 hours of intense personal work for $560. That’s a potential savings of $2640.00.
  • Are you a fit for NeoMan? Before you signup, I require that we have a phone conversation to make sure NeoMan fits your situation so you get the most out of your experience.
  • What if you miss a meeting? This happens because we have to travel for work or an emergency occurs. To help, I can talk with you between regular group meetings to help you catch up with your group.

NeoMan groups include the following:Your Package is On the Way

  • You’ll receive a 90-page workbook, toys, and materials for exercises.
  • Diagrams, worksheets, articles, and exercises that cover topics about Purpose, Communication, Career, Relationship, and Life Satisfaction. This content aligns with our facilitated discussions so it’s still meaningful when you review it in the future.
  • 8-weekly, 2-hour meetings with up to 10 attendees.
  • Real-time life check-ins and accountability partnering with other group members.

Logistics and pricing

Groups start about every few months. When you join the waitlist, you’ll be added to the next group. Until 10 men join, I cannot provide a specific start date. Your group will meet each week on the same day and same time. The total price is $560 for your seat in the group.

Upcoming Groups and Next Steps

  • NeoMan BootCamp, Spring 2025: (Online) Jan 21, 2025 – March 11, 2025
  • NeoMan Kinship Spring 2025: (Online) Jan 7, 2025 – April 22, 2025

Your $775 payment reserves your space in all 8 meetings (option for 2 payments is available). The group is limited to 10 participants. If we reschedule a meeting for inclement weather, all remaining meetings will be later as well.












Schedule A Call I’d like to learn a little more about you and ensure this experience is a good fit for the goals you have in mind. Choose a date and time for our call using the online schedular.
Signup For NeoMan

There is a future version of you out there. He’s waiting for you to make some changes. Get started today.